Pain and Sports Medicine Acupuncture combines the principles and practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Sports Medicine. We utilize range-of-motion testing, orthopedic examinations, manual muscle testing, and palpation to locate muscle imbalances to learn which muscles may be contributing to the condition. Through these assessments, we evaluate and treat chronic pain, sports injuries, work injuries, and postural imbalances. Sports medicine acupuncture is also utilized to enhance athletic performance and increase range of motion.
From fibromyalgia to frozen shoulder and from migraines to muscle tenderness, no two pain conditions are alike. That is why we tailor each of our treatments to get to the root cause of your pain.
We incorporate trigger and motor points to correct overactive or inhibited muscle fibers. Through various needling techniques, injured muscle spindle fibers are reset. This restores the balance between opposing muscle groups, preserves muscle strength, and tone, and opens the nervous system circuit to support ideal functioning and range of motion.
Additional modalities that may be used during your treatment include cupping, gua sha, electro stimulation (otherwise known as neurofunctional acupuncture or e-stim), dry needling, LED light therapy, tuina, massage, and moxibustion.
Treatment principles in sports medicine aim to:
- Manage bruising, swelling, and inflammation
- Reduce muscle spasm
- Decrease pain
- Regain flexibility
- Build strength
- Re-establish balance and body position awareness
Pain and Sports Medicine Acupuncture may be beneficial for the following conditions:
- Acute or Chronic Sprains or Strains
- Arthritis
- Athletic Enhancement
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Herniated Discs
- Golfer’s elbow
- Neuropathy
- Neck Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Low-Back and/or Sciatica
- Surgery rehabilitation
- Shoulder Pain, Impingement, or Frozen Shoulder
- Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis
- Tendonitis
- Tennis Elbow
- And more…