Facial rejuvenation, acupuncture facelift, or cosmetic acupuncture —no matter what you call it, this is the treatment to help you age gracefully. The International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 people who received facial acupuncture, 90% saw visible results after just one treatment. This safe, gentle, non-invasive, and effective method combats signs of aging without the risk or downtime of injections and/or surgery. But, make no mistake, cosmetic acupuncture is much more than a surface procedure; it reduces signs of aging while simultaneously revitalizing the whole body.
How It Works
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the face is considered a micro-system of the body and a reflection of overall health. Disharmony in any of the five main organs can manifest itself on the face in the form of fine lines, dark circles, puffiness, acne, and more. Amazingly, cosmetic acupuncture treatments also address underlying health concerns and imbalances. This incredible treatment not only rejuvenates your skin but also addresses the root causes of those skin concerns. It’s like a holistic beauty boost from the inside out
Reap The Benefits
A series of facial acupuncture treatments can:
- Diminish deep wrinkles
- Erase fine lines
- Lift sagging eyelids
- Reduce under-eye bags and circles
- Firm jowls and minimize double chin
- Improve muscle tone
- Increase collagen production
- Eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism and getting rid of excess fluids
- Moisturize the skin and tighten large pores
- Address dry skin
- Ease acne
- Improve facial color
- Reduce scars and age spots
- Slow the aging process from within
- Promote overall health and well being
As with all acupuncture, the course of treatment varies from person to person. To maximize the long-term benefits and results of cosmetic acupuncture, a series of ten to twelve sessions are recommended, twice weekly. A maintenance protocol includes less frequent sessions, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, herbs, supplements, and self-facial massage in between appointments to maintain results. At Healing Points, Dr. Iona has trained and studied with world-renowned practitioners including Shellie Goldstein, Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, Travall Croom, Michelle Gellis, Ping Zang, and Virginia Doran.
Microcurrent technology has been around since the 1800s as a treatment for damaged tissues and muscles. This sub-sensory vibration works with your body’s own electrical energy system. It is used to lift, restore, and reeducate facial muscles. It can also improve the production of healthy collagen and elastin, soften deep wrinkles, and eliminate fine lines.
Facial gua sha is used to lift, sculpt, and smooth your neck, jaw, nasolabial folds, under-eye, brow, forehead, and scalp. It has been touted for its ability to prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging skin, a reduction in the appearance of congestion and pimples, dullness, and puffiness. We use a variety of gua sha tools including the Nefeli Miracle Touch White Jade Stone, which uses nine specially designed angles and edges to activate the facial fascia and different layers of the skin.
When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to wrinkles and fine lines is inadequate collagen levels. Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin. Celluma Light Therapy improves cellular health by encouraging natural collagen and elastin production. Healthy collagen levels give us a glowing complexion and firmer skin.
Facial cupping involves the use of small cone-shaped suction cups that are slid along the face to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, clear sinus congestion, and activate lymphatic drainage. Unlike body cupping, it does not leave the petechia and/or bruising often associated with body cupping. The treatment is quite relaxing and leaves you feeling refreshed and glowing.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is contraindicated for some pituitary disorders, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, individuals who have a pacemaker or who have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or for those who currently suffer from migraine headaches. Cosmetic Acupuncture should not be done during pregnancy, during a bout with a cold or flu, during an allergic attack, during an acute herpes outbreak, or within 3 months of having Botox or fillers.