Aroma Acupoint Therapy is a gentle hands-on modality. It involves the placement of essential oils, on specific acupuncture points to trigger changes that aid in restoring balance in the mind and body. When chosen specifically for your constitution, and combined with the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, essential oils can be an extremely powerful healing aid. They can assist in calming the mind, strengthening immunity, clearing sinuses, regulating hormones, promoting sleep, easing pain, and more.
With Aroma Acupoint Therapy, just one drop of essential oil is lightly applied to a specific acupoint and held in place for a short amount of time. This technique may be combined with traditional acupuncture. However, it also lends itself beautifully and successfully as a stand-alone method of treatment. This makes it an extremely useful protocol for treating infants, children, the elderly, and those fearful of needles.
Aroma Acupoint Therapy is also wonderful for treating patients with chronic conditions who are weak or sensitive.
How It Works
From a physiological point of view, the fragrance of an essential oil travels through the olfactory (nose) system to the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions, memory, and the fight or flight response. Therefore, aromatherapy can modulate brain hormones and messages sent to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. These signals can result in changes in perception, cognition, mood, blood pressure, and even sleep patterns (Holmes 2016). There are many clinical studies on the use of aromatherapy in treating anxiety, specifically (Chen et al. 2008; Imanishi et al. 2007).
What We Use
Not all essential oils are created equal. Our skin is our biggest organ, so using high-quality essential oils is a must. For this reason, we use Snow Lotus. Its outstanding collection includes more than 70 pure, bioactive, and certified organic essential oils, and more than 80 essential oil blends. These artisanal oils are sourced directly from small producers worldwide who ethically wild harvest or sustainably cultivate the plants and distill the oils in small batches. The oils are produced by traditional steam distillation, which creates a product of maximum beauty and healing potential combined. And, because sourcing takes place directly with the artisan, versus commercial producers, the quality of the oils is never compromised. They remain genuine and unadulterated.
Artisanal extraction methods are crucial for two reasons: First, they allow the plant to express itself fully with a true, rich fragrance. Second, artisan distillation produces an essential oil that is fully bioactive, which means that it performs therapeutically the way it is intended to. Snow Lotus oils are certified organic by trusted third-party agencies (Ecocert, Ceres, etc.) in their country of origin, as well as certified NOP organic by the USDA.